Explain the act in terms of social exchange, social responsibility, and reciprocity theory.

In this assignment, you will apply the terms associated with altruism to a current event.

Locate a news article describing an act of altruism.

Explain the act in terms of social exchange, social responsibility, and reciprocity theory.

Apply one of the concepts of social psychology (such as group influence, persuasion, cognitive dissonance, or self in the social world) to the act of altruism,

Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

***Remember this is just 5 slides covering Social Responsibility and Reciprocity Theory***

Describe the context of the conflict. What kind of community or organization is this? Who are the stakeholders in the outcome of the conflict?

In this assignment, you will integrate the concepts of conflict resolution, group influence, and attribution to develop a program of conflict resolution to a current conflict situation.

Identify a conflict between two groups, and obtain approval from your instructor.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you create a program to improve the relationship between two groups. Examples include between police and a community, managers and subordinates, the city council committee and a special interest group, and unions and management. Be specific in identifying what community, company, or organization you are writing about.

Nature of the Conflict

Describe the context of the conflict. What kind of community or organization is this? Who are the stakeholders in the outcome of the conflict?

Identify the overt and covert issues presenting both sides.

Describe the effect the conflict has on the organization within which it exists and, if applicable, the surrounding community.

Identify attribution errors and how they will be addressed in the program.

Analyze the dynamics within each group and between groups. Who are the leaders? Does anyone stall or undermine the group? Is there a relationship between two subgroups?

Program Design

Apply the elements of conflict resolution.

Describe the central strategy you will use to resolve or diminish the conflict.

Provide at least one reference supporting the use of such a strategy.

Include a program component that employs social media.

Explain how you will address attribution errors between the groups.

Identify the elements of persuasion you will use in your program.

Create a 15- to 20-minute oral presentation that you would give to sell your program to the company or organization where the conflict exists. The presentation should be accompanied by 10 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides with speaker notes that include the following:

The goals of the program

The logistics of the program (schedule, location, and so on)

The content of the program (any worksheets, activities, or events)

Cite at least 4 references in your presentation, including the reference that demonstrates research support of your program strategy.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Briefly compare and discuss at least two theories of intelligence and the contemporary assessment measures related to those theories.

Briefly compare and discuss at least two theories of intelligence and the contemporary assessment measures related to those theories.

1). Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities theory purposes that, researches can pinpoint specific group factors and define those factors specifically. Thurstone listed the follow factors of intelligence. 1. Verbal Comprehension: This factor can include reading and verbal equivalences. 2. Word Fluency: Measures the speed a person can name words in a given category, for example, tools that start with the letter R. 3. Numbers: The speed and accuracy of math problems. 4. Space: visualization and recognition of 3 dimensional shapes and how they would appear if flipped or rotated. 5. Associative Memory: A person’s skill in wrote memory. 6. Perceptual Speed: Recognizing similarities or difference in visual facts. 7. Inductive Reasoning: The finding of patterns in number series are a good example of this measure. Thurstone’s theory of intelligence is still in use today to investigate adult intelligence as we age.

2. Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory is a broad measure of factors split into three main parts, stratum I, II, and III. This theory purposes up to 70 different abilities that can be measured into intelligence testing. Some of these are broad, but some of these factors are quite narrow in scope.

The main difference between theses is that, Thurstone’s theory is broken up into more general categories, were as, CHC is comprised of multiple broad and narrow categories, as they comprise a more comprehensive list. (Gregory, 2014).

Analyze challenges related to assessing individuals in your assigned age group and describe any special ethical and sociocultural issues which must be considered. Summarize the implications of labelling and mislabeling individuals in your assigned age group as a result of testing and assessment.

Aging is difficult at times and can leave those who are 60 plus years old feeling like they are no longer valued. One area that is seen as a stereotype is the view many have on the elderly and intelligence. It is true that many lay people assume as we age, we decline sharply in the area of intelligence, but this is not entirely true. For example, more resent studies have shown fluid intelligence may decline, but crystallized intelligence is steady or even rises as we age. So we can imagine working with those who are 60 plus years of age, in the field of testing and assessment. That we should be mindful of the stereotypes that that generation faces in the area of being judged by others as less intelligent and less useful than those that are younger. Labeling the elderly with the stereotype of not being useful or intelligent, can lend to those who are 60 plus in age from getting jobs, that they are well suited and qualified for. (Gregory, 2014).

Analyze and provide evidence from validation studies supporting and opposing the use of specific instruments with your assigned population.

Longitude testing on intelligence and aging has shown that some assessment instruments, such as test that require speed tests like Word fluency and test that involve timed mathematical problem solving, that look to speed for a more positive result. (Gregory, 2014).

Present the pros and cons of individual versus group assessment of ability.

Group testing are usually standardized testing, that is given to a general populace of students or individuals to measure performance and aptitude in scholastic knowledge. These tests do not take into account any cultural, environmental, social economic issues, or an individual’s overall intelligence based on other factors, other than scholastic knowledge. Such testing is not bad, especially when achievement needs to be generally measured across student domains. Individual assessments testing can be more toned for that person’s age and cultural realities. (Gregory, 2014).


Gregory, R. J. (2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Explain what Appreciative Inquiry is.

watch video..https://youtu.be/QzW22wwh1J4

Apreciative inquiry

Explain what Appreciative Inquiry is.

Analyze your internship experience with these three steps of the Appreciative Inquiry model.

In the first step of the analysis you need to describe a success you have had at your internship this semester. What is a major accomplishment or thing you did that you are most proud of?

In the second step identify the key ingredients or factors that led to the success and then list them. Why were you so successful? What made the success possible?

In the third step give an example of how these key ingredients or success factors could likely help you achieve even more success at the agency you worked at or in your human services career

Describe how these theories differ in regard to the ever-reversing role of general intellectual ability factor

Theories of intelligence, including Spearman’s two-factor theory (1927), Cattell-Horn’s two-factor theory (1966), Luria’s information processing approach (1966), Cattell-Horn and Carroll’s CHC model (1997), and Carroll’s three-stratum theory (1997).

For this discussion:

· Describe how these theories differ in regard to the ever-reversing role of general intellectual ability factor (g).

· Explain how these theories are relied upon in each of the following current tests that you also read about in this unit. Please note that some of these tests may now rely on more than one theory, or a theory different than the original versions of the same test. Subsequently, you will need to address such multiple contributions and only for the versions listed below (for example, fifth edition).

o Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, fourth and fifth editions.

o Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, second edition.

o Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, fifth edition.

o Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities, third or fourth editions.

· Explain your thoughts regarding an intelligence test that has a dual theoretical basis, based on your readings and review of the theoretical influences on these tests. Explain your position by including consideration of validity.

· Explain which theory of intelligence you find yourself most affiliated with in the context of your professional goals. Explain how your selected theoretical model aligns with your interests and career.

Based on your readings, and in your opinion, are generational gains in measure intelligence due more to factors related to (1) heredity, (2) environment, (3) some combination of both, or (4) other phenomena?

You are introduced to James R. Flynn who, in 1984, presented evidence regarding intelligence inflation over time, which he labeled as the Flynn Effect. There have been a variety of factors proposed as explanations for this phenomenon. For example, improvements in educational opportunities for people are hypothesized as a reason for generational gains in IQ. However, if this is true, one must question why a correlation in academic gains is not being observed. Many other factors have been hypothesized and examined as potential explanations for this effect. However, the debate continues.

Based on your readings, and in your opinion, are generational gains in measure intelligence due more to factors related to (1) heredity, (2) environment, (3) some combination of both, or (4) other phenomena? Cite and reference support for your position with at least one additional peer-reviewed journal article (not assigned in your unit readings) that addresses the Flynn Effect.

Choose one of the following topics and write a paper summarizing the current professional literature on the topic

Please read the directions below. The assignment must meet the word count!!!

Choose one of the following topics and write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the current professional literature on the topic. Many of these topics are broad and you may choose to focus your research on a more specific area of the topic, such as children showing resiliency when dealing with divorce. With instructor approval, you may select a topic that is not on the list below.

Resiliency in children

Gender differences in infancy and childhood

Effects of day care

Attachment styles

Causes and effects of child abuse and neglect

Effects of divorce on children

Prenatal influences

Prematurity, medical interventions, and long-term outcomes

Pros and cons of grade retention

Language development

Media influences on children

Influences on school readiness

Bullying causes, preventions, and interventions

Development of creativity

Sex differences in mental abilities

Effects of parental death on children

Emerging adulthood

Gender differences concerning aging

Midlife crisis

Adapting to life changes during adulthood

Developmental issues related to nontraditional families

Caring for aging parents

Victimization of the elderly

Death with dignity

Right to die

Include at least four references from professional peer-reviewed journals.

How are the problems maintained according to the structural family therapy perspective?

Read “Topic 4: Vargas Family Case Study.” Write a 750-1,000-word paper in which you demonstrate how therapists apply structural family therapy theory to analyze the presenting problems and choose appropriate interventions.

Be sure to answer the following questions in your paper:

What are two current presenting problems for the Vargas family?

How are the problems maintained according to the structural family therapy perspective?

What structural interventions would you plan to use in your next session? (identify and describe your plan for two interventions)

What is the role of the counselor in the change process according to the structural family therapy perspective?

Cite at least three academic sources (peer-reviewed journal articles, books, etc.).

USE THIS TEXT AS ONE OF YOUR REFERENCES: Goldenberg, I., Stanton, M., & Goldenberg, H. (2016). Family therapy: An overview (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Topic 4: Vargas Case Study

The Vargas family arrives for the 4th session at separate times. You have been chatting with Elizabeth and Heidi about Frank’s recent school suspension when Bob and Frank enter. They are having an animated conversation, laughing hysterically, and Heidi comments on how Frank is wearing socks, not the rain boots he left the house in. Bob and Frank proceed to share the story about how Frank’s top scoop of ice cream just fell into his boot when Elizabeth interrupts. She questions Bob and appears surprised to learn that instead of going to work with Bob who had agreed to “put him to work” as a consequence of his suspension, the two of them had spent the day having fun. Frank talks about his new bike and had begun a story about the movie they saw when he looks at his dad and instantly stops talking. You notice Bob’s stern look when Frank apologizes stating, “I forgot I’m not supposed to tell.”

The tense silence is broken by Heidi who begins to tell her parents that she got another gold star on her spelling test, the teacher picked her to be the helper, she scored two soccer goals at recess, and made three new friends. You notice that Frank has squeezed into the same chair next to Bob; Heidi scoots closer to her mother on the couch. You note Elizabeth’s distress and invite Bob to comment. Bob minimizes the incident that resulted in Frank’s suspension and accuses Elizabeth of “overreacting.” Frank agrees that “Mom always gets mad” and begins recounting the “funny” incident that was, according to him and Bob, “no big deal.”

How did you imagine would be a group leader experience before you played the role and how did you feel while being in the particular role?

Report Issue
introducion 2 page at least

Guidelines in Developing a Group Proposal

Introduction Part:

· Why is there a need for such a group?

· What type of group are you forming?

· For whom is the group intended? Identify the specific population. What do you know about the needs for this population?

· Most importantly your rationale for this group needs or be clear and convincing, remember you might have to convince an audience about why there is a need for your group.

· State your goals or what you expect to achieve?


· How many members in your group? Is there a specific age group?

· Are you planning to conduct any pre-group interviewing or pre-screening candidates?

· Where will the group meet and how long will the sessions be?

· Will it be an open or closed group? Would there be any group pre-selection or pre-screening?

· What topics will be explored in this group?

Final Part:

· This part should include how you see your initial goals achieved, or what you expect your group members to accomplish after attending your group.

· If you are administering a pre-screening tool what do you expect to see as you complete the group as far as changes in the scores.

experiential paper is an essay the question is a guideine

Group Dynamics Experiential Paper

The following questions should help you structure the paper on your experiences as a group leader and member through out the different role-playing opportunities in class. Please write a 3 pages paper reflecting on the following questions.

1. How did you imagine would be a group leader experience before you played the role and how did you feel while being in the particular role?

The experience of group leader, was more complicated than I thought, because I believed in a principle that was only to listen and speak, but it was very difficult to manage the group, since the topic that we were sent to represent was a complicated throne, issues arose they were related, but at the same time, I discovered that many of the things that happen to us in the work or in our house can be reflected in the group, the most complicated for my point of view was to try to resolve sentimental situations that I had not seen, also It is important to emphasize that when you are the leader of the group you have to have integrity and put order so that there can be an excellent dynamic.

2. What issues came up for you as you watch a particular member work or interact?

3. What did you learn about the use of leadership skills and techniques from experiencing a particular interaction? Please give some examples.

4. Mention a few problems and issues you faced as a beginning group leader? Please discuss what were your major concerns as a group leader.

5. Although it may be difficult to agree on a particular personality type associated with being an effective group leader; what are some of the personality characteristics you possess that might facilitate this role?

An explanation of who the population is and why it is important for this group to receive career counseling


For this assignment you will select a marginalized group (veterans, minorities, individuals with disabilities, etc.) and write a paper of 1,750 to 2,100 words that can be used as a resource when working with an individual from the selected group. Use peer-reviewed resources to support your use of a specific career theory as well as interventions with this population. The paper should include the following:

An explanation of who the population is and why it is important for this group to receive career counseling

Statistics on the group (e.g., how large, how many have employment problems, how many utilize career counseling)

Discussion of career counseling theory to be used with the group (e.g., Minnesota theory of work adjustment). Include evidence supporting the use of this theory in the general population as well as within the group. Please note: If none are available, it is important to indicate that as well.

Basic plan for counseling utilizing chosen theory (e.g., interview, use of assessment tools, explanation of theory)

Environmental/personal barriers that may prevent the client from finding work (e.g., disability, substance use history, felony, transportation, limited computer access)

Local resources available to help the client obtain work (e.g., job center, training programs, support groups)

Your conclusion on whether or not this plan is tenable and will work, based on the information listed above.

A minimum of four scholarly references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This assignment meets the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.4.a: Theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making.

2.F.4.b. Approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors.

2.F.4.c. Processes for identifying and using career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, technology, and information systems.

2.F.4.e. Strategies for assessing abilities, interests, values, personality and other factors that contribute to career development.

2.F.4.f. Strategies for career development program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation.

2.F.4.g. Strategies for advocating for diverse clients’ career and educational development and employment opportunities in a global economy.

2.F.4.h. Strategies for facilitating client skill development for career, educational, and life-work planning and management.

2.F.4.i. Methods of identifying and using assessment tools and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making.

2.F.4.j. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for addressing career development.