This discussion relates to Life Span Development. Look at the analysis of different childrearing methods, “Raising Psychologically Healthy Children”. First, try to categorize the way your parents rais

This discussion relates to Life Span Development. Look at the analysis of different childrearing methods, “Raising Psychologically Healthy Children”.

First, try to categorize the way your parents raised you. Mention a specific example.

Then discuss how you are either raising your own children, or if you don’t have children yet, how you think you will raise them. Insert a quick example here, too.

The text takes a pretty strong stand in support of the authoritative style. Most people support that concept of ‘freedom-plus-limits.’ The debate is…where do you draw the line? How much freedom and how many limits?In 200 words

                                           Part 2

and  write 100 words in like a comment to the 200 words discussions

in total 300 words

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