Take a close look at your survivor ship curves. How might you explain their general form or appearance?

Take a close look at your survivor ship curves. How might you explain their general form or appearance?

Questions to be answered for your lab summary-
1. Take a close look at your survivor ship curves. How might you explain their general form or appearance? Are factors in the ecological or social environment important to the shape of these survivor ship curves? Is there a difference between males and females in survivor ship? How does average life expectancy compare between males and females?
2. From your detailed examination of the overall (class) data, were there any obvious trends between average life expectancy and average year of birth? If so, provide an explanation for any trends that you observe.
(For example, over the past hundred years there has been a substantial increase in the average life expectancy of an adult in western societies because of improved health attention, health care, and medical services. We should expect to see an increase in survival curves over historical time. The “health care” hypothesis predicts that cemeteries with older mean ages should have lower survival curves. Does our data support the health care hypothesis?)
Submission Instructions:
1) Type your answers in MS Word (two-pages, double-spaced).


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