
Go to  go to the website’s homepage and then click on free podcasts and videos. Then scroll down to Dr. Mac’s Mountain. This is a series of videos that are broken down to make the videos downloadable. Watch them in order. You may want to go back to the Dr. Mac homepage and click on Intervention Strategies. Then click on the button that says click here and scroll down until you see the heading Basics of Behavior Management. Select Discipline 101: A primer on behavior management. See is essentially the same material you will find in the podcast series so it is nice to have something to follow along with.  Consider how the material connects to the textbook readings and models of behavior management.

When you complete the video series, write an approximate one page paper (1-3 paragraphs) that reflects your thoughts and what you learned from this experience. Be specific about content and follow APA/scholarly conventions.

1 page


USe the following references also:

 Kaplan, S. J. (1995). Beyond behavior modification: A cognitive-behavioral approach to behavior management in the schools (3rd ed.). Austin, TX: Pro-ed.

Rhode, G., Jenson, W. R., & Reavis, H. K. (1996). The tough kid book: Practical classroom management strategies. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.

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