SICKO Documentary



2 page single-spaced, typed reaction paper (worth 10%) about the documentary film Sicko by Michael Moore. Extra credit is due in hard-copy form on or before the last day of the semester. Extra credit sent via email and/or after the last day of the semester will not be accepted. It will be added to your overall grade

Up to 10% for a two page, single spaced, typed reaction paper

What is a reaction paper?

·      Reaction papers combine personal response and critical analysis.

·      Reaction papers state the main ideas/themes/supporting evidence.

·      Reaction papers should bring in sociological concepts to support overall argument.

·      Reaction papers should refer to/cite the piece it’s based on.

·      Reactions papers can cite other works but don’t have to.

What questions should I keep in mind when writing a reaction paper?

·      How do you feel about what you’ve seen or read?

·      What do you agree or disagree with?

·      Can you identify with the situation?

·      What would be the best way to evaluate what you’ve seen or read?

Other Guidelines:

·      You must turn your paper into me, typed (spell-checked please), hardcopy form (no emails), stapled on or before the last day of the semester.

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