response 2

respond at least 150 words

There are a few different strategies for integration of diverse learners.  The first strategy that would be used is to have instructions be explicit, and reach the students that need help.   The second differentiation content, along with trying to connect information to their community, and the third use scaffolding technique’s during instruction.  One study said the way to use integration strategies this study claimed, “One of the best ways to reach diverse learners is to let them know you care. It is important to also let them know you have confidence in them and high expectations for them. Do not tell them you expect them to do as well as other kids. Always tell them along with all other students that you expect them to do their own personal best. You know they are capable of greatness and are there to help them achieve their goals” Miller, K., (2017).  The main goal will to always try to set the expectations high with reachable goals for the students.

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