response 2

reponse at least 150 words

Do you consider reading assessment to be controversial? If yes, how is it controversial? If no, why not? Support your response with research.

I believe too many reading assessments can be very stressful for students causing them to not do well on assessments. According to Joseph K. Torgesen (n.d.), false positives and  negatives can be derived from some assessments. The better alternative is for children to be exposed to effective reading programs. Most children who do not acquire the proper early word reading skills is due to a weakness to process phonological features of language. The consequences of a slow start can make it seem impossible for some children to catch up. Children who comprehend what they are reading are most successful at reading. Providing effective tools in the classroom can prove to be the best way to reach success than providing endless assessments. 


Torgesen, J. K. (n.d.). Catch Them Before They Fall: Identification and Assessment to Prevent Reading Failure in Young Children. Retrieved January 25, 2017, from

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