Please answer all questions with a minimum of 100 words. P.O.W.E.R Learning Chapter 3 Concept Mapping 1. How can you use concept mapping in your small day to day projects?   Will it look different

Please answer all questions with a minimum of 100 words. 

P.O.W.E.R Learning Chapter 3 Concept Mapping 

1. How can you use concept mapping in your small day to day projects?   Will it look different in larger tasks? 

P.O.W.E.R Learning Chapter 6 Careers

1. How many of you are using platforms such as LinkedIn?  What benefits do you see? 

2.  What are the do’s and don’ts that everyone should attend to when preparing resumes and cover letters? 

3.  What new tips did you pick up to make interviewing more successful? 

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