Need tonight Philosophy work


Do a quick first reading of the assigned materials in this module and respond to the following questions in this discussion. You’ll find that participating in the discussion will prompt you to go back and reread portions or all of the readings. Philosophy requires reading for understanding, often necessitating reading a passage more than once and thinking about it.

You must make your first post before you’ll be able to see and respond to those of your classmates.


Aesthetics, the Philosophy of Beauty (including Art), is a branch of Ethics. Usually what is consider beautiful is considered a matter of taste. At least as far back before Plato (and including him), philosophers held there is more to beauty than individual or social approval. It is, obviously, an on-going debate.Name one object (non-person) you consider beautiful (if not the most beautiful). Analyze the reasons why this object is beautiful. Utilize as many theories and concepts as you can from this module to support your position. Be prepared to defend your arguments and provide counterarguments to other’s.

If you refer to information from the text, identify the location in parenthesis (MLA Intext Citation). In your replies, either support your fellow student’s answers or kindly refute them. Analyze reasoning, pointing out strong or weak premises or reasons as well as fallacies.  Philosophy is built upon successful written and spoken communication.

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