Instructions This is your first take home exam for this class. Please read all of the directions before beginning the assignment. Directions:…


This is your first take home exam for this class. Please read all of the directions before beginning the assignment.

Directions: Please answer three of the four following essay questions using any class notes, reading materials, or class discussion information. Please print out a hard copy and bring to the beginning of class during Monday, March 20th.

Reminder: This is a course on ethical behavior. You have 3 hours to complete your test. You ARE NOT obligated to finish your test in one sitting.

  • Question #1: Monbiot (Guard Dogs of Perception) claims that the scientific freedom is a guarantor of our wider liberties.
    • A) Explain how this claim is true or not.
    • B) Explain why this claim is a benefit to a society, or a false hope. 
  • Question #2: Does information justice truly exist? Create an argument for information justice, or against the claim of information justice. 
  • Question #3: Explain what may be described as an “information oligarchy.” Is this beneficial to a society – why or why not? 
  • Question #4: Can you claim a “right”?
    • A) To privacy. If yes, explain your reasons for such a claim. If not, explain why you can’t claim a “right” to privacy.
    • B) Do you have an obligation to protect your neighbor’s right to privacy. Explain your position.

P.S. – If interested, write a question to Mayor Whaley.

Good luck!

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