I have aploaded 6 articles and one instruction file All articles that needed to be used for reference please if you have any question you may ask thank you

I have aploaded 6 articles and one instruction file   

All articles that needed to be used for reference 

please if you have any question you may ask 

thank you 

the topic is memory 

References of six articles 

Beaulieu-Prévost, D., & Zadra, A. (2015). When people remember dreams they never experienced: A study of the malleability of dream recall over time. Dreaming, 25(1), 18-31. DOI: 10.1037/a0038788

Bowden, V. K., Visser, T. A. W., & Loft, S. (2017). Forgetting induced speeding: Can prospective memory failure account for drivers exceeding the speed limit? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied23(2), 180–190. DOI: https://dx.doi.org./10.1037/xap0000118

Horgan, T., Stein, J. M., Southworth, J., & Swarbrick, M. (2012). Gender differences in memory for what others say about themselves and their family members. Journal of Individual Differences, 33(3), 169-174. DOI: 10.1027/1614-0001/a000087

Hyman, I. E., Burland, N. K., Duskin, H. M., Cook, M. C., Roy, C. M., McGrath, J. C., & Roundhill, R. F. (2013). Going Gaga: Investigating, creating, and manipulating the song stuck in my head. Applied Cognitive Psychology27, 204–215. DOI: 10.1002/acp.2897

Marsh, J. E., Patel, K., Labonté, K., Threadgold, E., Skelton, F. C., Fodarella, C., . . . Vachon, F. (2017). Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: The impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(3), 183-190. DOI: 10.1037/cep000101

Summerfelt, H., Lippman, L., & Hyman, I. E. Jr., (2010). The effect of humor on memory Constrained by the pun. The Journal of General Psychology137(4), 376-394.

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