Group One: Newcomer Program

Read Chapter 5 of your textbook, “The Educational Landscape for ELLs” in addition to the recommended readings based on your assigned ELL program. One of the main reasons for assessing ELLs is to properly place them in a program that will best serve their cultural, linguistic, and academic needs. As an advocate for these students, you need to understand the various programs that are available to ELLs.

For your discussion post, your instructor will place you into a specific group (see announcements).  Please use the name of your group in the subject heading of your discussion question response.

  • Group One: Newcomer Program

Based on your assigned group, list at least three  pros and cons of your ELL program. Use your text and additional sources to support your response.  

  • Honigsfeld, A & Cohan, A. (2015). Serving English language learners. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

    • Chapter 5: The Educational Landscape for ELLs

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