Explain the background, current presentation, and behavior of the person in the vignette.Please read the vignette carefully. Based on information provided in the vignette, please compose a well-written and organized response to each of the questions that follow:

Explain the background, current presentation, and behavior of the person in the vignette.Please read the vignette carefully. Based on information provided in the vignette, please compose a well-written and organized response to each of the questions that follow:

MA Forensic Psychology

Proposed Case Vignette for Comprehensive Examination

Please read the vignette carefully. Based on information provided in the vignette, please compose a well-written and organized response to each of the questions that follow:

Presentation of the Problem

Max is a 17 year old, Caucasian male from a lower middle class rural area. He was arrested for attempted murder of two police officers. Max’s attorney has requested an evaluation of Max’s mental state at the time of the offense. Due to the seriousness of Max’s offense he has been transferred to adult court. Max has no prior arrest history or legal involvement in the juvenile or adult legal system. In addition, Max has no previous medical or mental health history; nor a history of substance abuse or addiction. Max’s mother described him as being a “smart, outgoing and friendly young boy in elementary school and mid-school.” However, during high school Max became withdrawn and detached per his parent’s observations. He stopped socializing with others and by his junior year he was failing all of his classes.

Per Max’s parents eight months prior to the crime Max began to exhibit bizarre behavior in the home. For example, Max was observed watching television and chanting “circa mal te, cira mal te, cira mal te…” Max’s mother stated when she asked Max what was he chanting Max stated “I have to talk in code so they want understand me, you know they can hear us you know and then pointed at the television. We can’t let them know my plan to fight them.” Max’s father stated a few days before the crime he observed Max having a running commentary with himself and when he asked Max who was he talking to Max yelled out “ …their coming, their coming…” Due to Max’s parent becoming increasing concerned about Max’s bizarre behavior they scheduled an appointment at an outpatient clinic for a psychiatric evaluation.

During the evaluation, Max communicated marked delusional beliefs about policemen who were “non-human.” Max stated he had seen the “non-human, alien policemen,” but would not elaborate further. Max reported the “alien policemen” were placed on earth to facilitate the “takeover of the world and seize all humans.” He elaborated that this world “takeover” would involve the murder of “all government leaders” and “millions of innocents.” When asked, Max said he did not have any thoughts of hurting himself or others nor did he exhibit an inability to take care of himself. Max was released to his parent’s care with a prescription of an atypical antipsychotic with a follow-up appointment scheduled in five days. Per Max’s parents Max was non-compliant in taking his prescribed medication. Two days later, Max walked into his local police station and began firing his father’s .357 magnum and chanting “circa mal te, cira mal te, cira mal te…” Two policemen were seriously injured.

Based on the vignette provided, please compose a well-written and organized response to each of the following questions. When writing your responses, please:

Use APA (6th edition) Style, with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12 font, with a reference list at the end.
Write clearly and concisely.
Cite appropriate, and especially current, literature (empirical and/or theoretical).
Avoid all sexist idioms and allusions.
Remember to demonstrate your multicultural competence where appropriate.

Psychological Theory and Practice

What psychological assessments (tests) would you conduct to enhance your understanding of the problems of the person in the vignette and how would your choice of assessment(s) inform your diagnostic formation and treatment planning? Assessments may include structured or unstructured interviews, valid and reliable assessment measures, and/or formalized assessment procedures that may be conducted by yourself or by someone else referred by you.

Provide your diagnostic impressions (based on the DSM-5) for this individual (psychological disorder diagnosis). In narrative form, please describe how the individual meets the diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s) chosen in addition to the differential diagnostic thought process (other diagnosis close to the actual diagnosis but ruled out) that you used to reach your hypotheses. Be sure to include any additional (missing) information that is needed to either rule out or confirm your differential diagnoses impressions.


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