FOR A NURSING/CHRISTIAN RELIGION CLASS. NEED 450 WORDS, 2-3 PARAGRAPHS AND 2 REFERENCES IN APA. ONLINE ARTICLES OK. NO BLOGS. USE THE  ATTACHED DOC AS  ONE OF THE REFERENCES. IT CAME FROM Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing (2nd ed., Rev. and expanded.). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press. 

Principalism, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the lecture and topic readings in your response.

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