Application: Best Practices Handbook, Part Three

Application: Best Practices Handbook, Part Three

This week, you will add ideas for facilitating community partnerships to your handbook.

Select three specific ideas for community-school partnerships that you think will work well in your chosen setting. For each idea, include responses to the following:

  • An explanation of the idea, including what type of partnership it represents and what community organization(s) it will involve

  • Why do you think this partnership will be effective?
  • What benefits will this partnership bring, and to whom?

  • A description of at least two strategies for professionals to initiate/propose the partnership idea to the relevant community organization

  • A description of the role of the community organization members/leader, the professional, and the students in this partnership

  • A description of two best practices for managing the expectations of the community/organization partner

Assignment length: 3–5 pages

Note: Please keep in mind that the assignment length is intended to serve as a general guide. Depending on how you choose to use formatting, fonts, charts, bullets, graphics, etc. in your handbook, actual page lengths in your handbook may vary upward or downward.

Please have this done in 12 hours or less

APA format please and all orginal work please

SOCIOlogy discussion question



Week 11 Discussion


Overall Rating:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Your Rating:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Sum It Up”  Please respond to one (1) of the following:

  • Summarize what you have learned in this class in 140 characters or less (something you could post on Twitter).
  • Describe the one (1) aspect of this course that you liked the most. Explain why this particular aspect of the course was your favorite.

I recently lost my work from a computer that stopped working while visiting family for thanksgiving. I have a deadline of Wednesday. can someone

I recently lost my work from a computer that stopped working while visiting family for thanksgiving. I have a deadline of Wednesday. can someone please help with this discussion?

The idea of privilege (including concepts such as White privilege, Male privilege, Able bodied privilege, thin privilege, heterosexual privilege etc)

tends to be one of the concepts that gets the most push-back, particularly from members of dominant groups. While most people are fairly on board with ideas of discrimination and poor treatment of minority groups they have a much harder time seeing the advantages that come for simply being part of a majority group.

What were your ideas of the concept of privilege before coming to this class? Is this a concept that you have struggled with?

Watch the examples below and read these articles explaining privilege( White privilege unpacking the invisible knapsack

One of the reasons privilege is such a difficult topic is because we tend to see it manifest at the micro or individual level- because of this people tend to think they are being personally chided when they are told that they have privilege.

However privilege is actually a larger social structural issue

Discuss how privilege is related to the social structure-

How do stereotypes and prejudice create & reinforce privilege?

How do these examples help with the understanding of privilege?

Because privilege is often based on stereotypes how do we combat it?

How do we undo privilege for majority groups (and thus equalize chances of minority groups) without majority groups feeling they are being discriminated against?

Post responses to at least 2 other students to continue discussion and explore these ideas.

Student 1:

Prior to this class, my ideas of the concept of privilege were that it existed, but not to the extent that it is portrayed in the lectures and the readings. This is a concept that I have a hard time with. Everybody has hardships that they must deal with and overcome in order to be successful. Some people have it easier than others but using privilege as an excuse is not going to get you anywhere. Money is great and can help to lead a more secure life but having money is not the answer to all of life’s problems. As long politics continues to divide people based on race, color, gender, and other differences, the politicians will find a way to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while they make the rules and take the money. My belief is that privilege is held by those with money and power and they use things like race and gender to their advantage.

I feel the way that Gina Crosley-Corcoran explains in the beginning of her article about white privilege, just because I am white does not mean I am privileged (2016). After reading that article, I can see how some of the things that I take for granted could be seen as a privilege. Also, I don’t need to take any extra precautions when leaving the house (Ellis, 2016). This does not seem odd to me but that is because it is my normal, and my normal is not everyone else’s normal.

“Stereotypes are oversimplified generalizations about groups of people” (OpenStax, 2016). This can be something as simple as black people are good at sports or white people can’t dance. Those statements may be true for individuals but applying that broad statement to an entire race of people is not accurate and I think it is lazy. “A prejudice is not based on experience; instead, it is a prejudgment, originating outside actual experience” (OpenStax, 2016). I watched the “blue eyes, brown eyes” experiment that is mentioned in our text book a couple of years ago, and I was kind of shocked by what I was watching. The children were singled out based on the color of their eyes and basically placed in either the in-group or the out group. Those in the out-group scores went down on tests, performance declined, and they were angrier in general, all because they were told they were different and were treated differently. If enough negative association is built up about a certain group, or race, or gender, that can most definitely drive privilege, or lack thereof, for those involved.

These examples help with the understanding of privilege by pointing out specific examples of inequalities. It is hard to think of privilege if you don’t believe in it or if you take the idea of privilege as a personal attack and don’t look at the big picture. Pointing out things that people have to deal with or worry about on a daily basis, that I do not, made me step back and think. Understanding that I benefit from not having to think about where I go to eat or shop, where I can or can’t live, or if I should walk down a dark alley alone is kind of eye opening. I have always been open minded and treated people the way that I want to be treated regardless of what they look like or where they come from.

Combating stereotypes is difficult because “new stereotypes are rarely created; rather, they are recycled from subordinate groups that have assimilated into society and are reused to describe newly subordinate groups” (OpenStax, 2016). These things are passed down within societal groups and are believed as facts by many people. One way to overcome this is to treat everyone as an individual as well as an equal. No one person is better than anyone else. There are some people that are misunderstood or different but that does not mean that they need to be singled out and treated poorly because of it. I went to a Native American History Observance this week and the guest speaker said something to the effect of, “we are all unique individuals but we are all related, and if we treat each other as family, we can overcome anything.” I really liked that and I believe that is a true statement.

Undoing privilege without making people feel discriminated against may not be possible. Once a person lives a certain way for a period of time it is difficult to change. I think that treating everybody the same is the only way. I do not believe in a one world government, but I do believe in a one world population. We are all just people trying to survive and make a better life for ourselves and our families. Continuing to do that by taking from one group to give to another is a losing battle. As long as we continue to point out differences, and use those differences for political gains, we will be stuck.


Crosley-Corcoran, G. (2016). Explaining white privilege to a broke white person. Retrieved from

Ellis, R. (2016). Social construction of gender. Retrieved from

OpenStax, Introduction to Sociology 2e. OpenStax CNX. ‎Feb‎ ‎26‎, ‎2016 Retrieved from @6.14.

Student 2:

The Idea of Privilege

1.) What were your ideas of the concept of privilege before coming to this class? Is this a concept that you have struggled with?

Growing up as African American and being a minority (any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination.)(11.1 Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups) I understood at a young age that life was never going to be easy. That I would not receive the same privileges and opportunities due to my race. This is a concept that I still have to deal with anytime I am back in the states and a concept that I have to accept knowing that Institutional racism (refers to the way in which racism is embedded in the fabric of society)(11.2 Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination) will never change in America.

 2.) How do stereotypes and prejudice create & reinforce privilege?

Stereotypes and prejudice create langue that reinforces inequality. A perfect example of this is from our text from this week.The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO on August 9, 2014, illustrates racial tensions in the United States as well as the overlap between prejudice, discrimination, and institutional racism. On that day, Brown, a young unarmed black man, was killed by a white police officer named Darren Wilson.(11.2 Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination.) This along with endless accounts of African Americans being shot to death at routine traffic stops by white police officers. This langue of discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes creates a label upon minorities such as “Black Thug” which does not relate to all of the individuals within the race. This reinforces Institutional discrimination and promotes, in such cases white privilege (which is the benefits people receive simply by being part of the dominant group.)(11.2 Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination)

3.) How do these examples help with the understanding of privilege?

With Social Stratification within the United States, we see the cast system at work. We see how the privilege has an advantage over those who are not given the same opportunities due to race, gender, and ethnicity. As Americans, we like to say that we have an open class system and with the class system that we have as Americans it is easy to ignore the structural factors that influence class standings.

4.) Because privilege is often based on stereotypes how do we combat it?

I believe the only way to battle stereotypes is by education. Society as a whole has to learn from its mistakes and learn to teach that stereotypes are all bad. Stereotypes categorize race, gender, and ethnicity feed onto those who are privilege.   

5.) How do we undo privilege for majority groups (and thus equalize chances of minority groups) without majority groups feeling they are being discriminated against?

Races along with gender and ethnicity aren’t fixed by immutable categories, they are defined by society. I believe one way of doing this is by Feminist sociologist Patricia Hill Collins (1990) developed intersection theory, which suggests we cannot separate the effects of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other attributes. When we examine race and how it can bring us both advantages and disadvantages, it is important to acknowledge that the way we experience race is shaped, for example, by our gender and class. Multiple layers of disadvantage intersect to create the way we experience race.(11.3 Theories of Race and Ethnicity).

Here is a video I found called the Privilege Race to $100 dollars it is a great example showing the social structure of p..>@6.14:[email protected]>@6.14:[email protected]>@6.14:[email protected]/Stereotypes-Prejudice-and-Disc

Discussion Question 2

Do you consider reading assessment to be controversial? If yes, how is it controversial? If no, why not? Support your response with research.

Please help How can understanding your work values and maintaining a positive attitude contribute to our success in our careers and life? Please be as specific as you can. Example: When I was younger

How can understanding your work values and maintaining a positive attitude contribute to our success in our careers and life?

Please be as specific as you can.

Example: When I was younger I wanted to be a scientist. However, looking at my value system, I realize that I am really a people person and thrive in the company and service of people.Once you have done this I want you to elaborate on your subject. This will require effort and thought on your part. You also want to have enough information so that your classmates also have something to work with when they post their thoughts to you.


DF answers must be submitted by Wed. at 11:59pm EST post a response of at least 200 words to the professor’s instructions. Also, required are substantive replies of at least 100 words to at least three (3) other classmates’ postings. Replies are due every Saturday evening by 11:59 pm EST. APA style for both in-text citations and references must be used in all discussion postings. Ten percent will be deducted for each instance of failing to do this. The online library contains helpful links to assist you in following APA style. These are scholarly dialogs so merely stating opinion is not acceptable. Positions must be supported with material from the course textbook or other reputable academic sources such as articles from the Mercy online library.

Writing is a critical skill for college students to attain for their future professional success. In this class, your weekly postings to the discussion board are a major component of the written work you are expected to submit. You should pay attention to APA style, grammar, and spelling as well as the content of your presentations as all will be evaluated during review and grading. Your responses to the postings of other students should be relevant and substantive. They can add additional material, respectfully question what was posted, offer alternative explanations, etc. There are minimum word count requirements for both the Wed. and the Saturday post assignments (posts containing just a few sentences or statements of agreement or disagreement only or those that stray away from the topic don’t contribute anything to these scholarly dialogs and won’t earn points—after one grace-period correction without penalty, repeats of such submissions will void the points for the entire discussion board portion of the course). 

By the way i’m hoping to become a nurse 

social research and statistics Discussion Question

Max Points: 5.0

If you were asked to conceptualize the variable airline safety, (a) what would be your answer? (b) How would you operationalize airline safety? You may either come up with a better conceptualization and operational definition of airline safety or you can critique those of your classmates who have already proposed their conceptualization and operational definitions of the term. (c) How is it possible that a single airline could be considered both the safest and the most dangerous in a single year, depending on the conceptualization and operationalization of the term safe?

does not need APA format and no specific word count

Conceptualization is the process of clarifying just what we mean by a concept. This process usually involves providing a theoretical or conceptual definition of the concept. Such a definition describes the concept through other concepts.

operationalization- the process of specifying what particular indicator(s) one will use for a variable.

Observation Protocol

Number of pages: 6 pages

Academic Level: Post-Graduate

Deadline: 10 Hours (This is the maximum time I have so anything beyond this will not be useful)

All instructions are in the attached doc



Restoration and wisdom

Ezra, Nehemiah 1-7, Song of Songs, Sirach (Ben Sirah) 2-7, 17-18,35-37,40

1) Using about 100 words, please summarize your readings for this class.

2) Using 100-150 words, please explain the meaning of the readings to you and perhaps to twenty-first century America. 

week 7 psychology, theology and spirituality in christian counseling 4MAT McMinn

4MAT Review Instructions

The 4MAT Review is a way of responding to readings, lectures, and life experiences that requires you, the learner, to interact with new ideas on several levels. You will write 1 review for the Entwistle text and 1 review for the McMinn text. In preparing your 4MAT Reviews, use each of the 4 sections listed below with corresponding APA-style, Level One headings: 

  1. Summary: After introducing the name of the book and author, summarize the book in at least 500 words but limited to a maximum of two pages; be adequately complete in your ideas but appropriately concise in wording. Prove that you comprehend the main ideas by writing a clear and to the point summary. The summary is not a commentary or listing of topics but rather a discussion of the core ideas in the entire book (the main ideas on which the entire book hangs). If you miss the main ideas, you lack an understanding of the complete message of the book. The summary provides the foundation for the rest of your 4MAT paper. Cite the book in-text at least once per paragraph and include page numbers for direct quotations.
  2. Concrete Responses: Be vulnerable. In at least 250 words (it is suggested that this be no more than 1 page), write about a personal life episode that this book triggered in your memory. Relate your story in first person, describing action and quoting exact words you remember hearing or saying. In the teaching style of Jesus, this is your own parable, case study, or personal connection to the main ideas of the book. Your comments in this section need to be clearly tied to main points from the book, not tangential ideas. Connect your comments to the main points for the reader.
  3. Reflection: This section is a short critique or evaluation of the author’s main ideas; include positives/negatives and strengths/weaknesses. You could consider new questions that arose for you in response to what you have read and explore concerns, implications, etc. Limit this section to 250 words (it is suggested that this be no more than 1 page).
  4. Action: What are you going to do about it? Develop action steps based on the core points of the book. This section must be a description of how the main ideas will affect your counseling. What professional changes will you implement and share with others? Be precise in summarizing your action steps and clearly connect your action steps to main points. Again, connect your comments to the main points for the reader. Present these comments in at least 200 words (it is suggested that this be no more than 1 page).

Create and submit these assignments in Microsoft Word documents; these assignments must be written on a graduate-level and must be in current APA format. Provide a title page in current APA format including only your name, the paper title (referring to the book title), and the institutional affiliation (Liberty University). Keep in mind that current APA standards recommend the title length not exceed 12 words. All pages must include a running head and page number, and all pages are double spaced. You are also required to create a references page; on this page, you must provide the complete reference citation for the book in compliance with current APA standards.

Note: Use quotations strategically and sparingly; in a paper this size, do not use longer (block) quotations.


art discussion question 800 words

800 words 

We are talking about modern work and a bit about abstract expressionism in Lesson six. I want to bring in my favorite artist to this discussion as he is a leader in these groups: Cy Twombly. I went to The Menil in Houston to see the Cy Twombly gallery a few summers ago. It was much like a pilgrimage for me. I am going to put up a link to the Menil here in a bit. But first I want to talk about Twombly. It took me awhile to come to terms with his work. I want to encourage you to look at all the links closely. Try to spend some time just looking at the work with out forming too much of an opinion if you can. Try to just be with one or two of the pieces for a few minutes. Then come back and post some ideas about Cy Twombly and Abstract Expressionism. How does it differ from Minimalism?  

Remember to avoid blanket statements like “I just don’t get it.” Try to give reasons and think about the context of the work as well. Credit will not be given for statements that do not contain use of key terms, formal analysis skills or have some sort of reasonable point about the work. How would your analysis sound as a discussion of a novel or play? Would you write that a novel wasn’t your “cup of tea?”  Probably and hopefully not. By now you should have some good terms and analytical skills to apply to the work in question.  You should also consider the size of the work, medium and date.

Here are a few links on Twombly:

Tate Collection

See the following links to learn more about abstract expressionism:

Here is a general overview of Modern art as a time line (not comprehensive)

And a few other notable Ab Ex painters:

optional additional discussion topic: 

Here is a recent news story that stretches almost 80 years into the past. What do you think Museums should do if they find out art work they purchased was work that was stolen or looted previously? Should it be returned to the family?

Read this article and post your thoughts. Consider how you would feel if you were David Toren. Also, how could this case affect other future cases?

Should Museums provide additional documentation of sale history for older work? Or, does this place too much of the burden on Museums?