What are the challenges and opportunities that these social environmental factors play in developing community health programs and providing access to healthcare services?

What are the challenges and opportunities that these social environmental factors play in developing community health programs and providing access to healthcare services?

To gain an understanding of the community around you, students are asked to conduct a ”Windshield Survey.” This basically requires students to take notes and answer specific questions while walking around a local community or riding in a car with someone else driving (for safety).First, students are asked to review the CDC’s Social Environment Handbook Chapter 5 on Windshield Surveys. You ONLY NEED TO READ CHAPTER 5 – not all of this handbook! The link to this electronic Handbook is included in the module and also here (https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/docs/seh_handbook.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Within this short chapter the CDC has created a Windshield Survey Form. Students should answer all questions on the Form as they are observing the community. The Form questions can be found on pages 53-55 of the Handbook.After completing the survey, students should input their main observations into Webcourses (as text- DO NOT upload any files) (please include the header for each section (A-J) you are answering).Lastly, students should provide a summary statement at the end answering the question: K. What are the challenges and opportunities that these social environmental factors play in developing community health programs and providing access to healthcare services?Students will receive 2 points for complete responses to sections A-J and 12 points for a thoughtful response to the final question in section K (make sure to provide challenges and opportunities).

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