Differentiate between specialty nursing practice and advanced practice nursing by comparing and contrasting these levels of practice in the following dimensions: knowledge base, scope of practice, credentialing, and regulation.

Differentiate between specialty nursing practice and advanced practice nursing by comparing and contrasting these levels of practice in the following dimensions: knowledge base, scope of practice, credentialing, and regulation.

Discussion question listed above 2-3 paragraphs and cited.Differentiate between specialty nursing practice and advanced practice nursing by comparing and contrasting these levels of practice in the following dimensions: knowledge base, scope of practice, credentialing, and regulation.Guidelines from my teacherTo ensure your success as a contributor to Discussions and as a student in this class, wesuggest the following guidelines for posting:• Be clear about which message you are responding to. Refer to specific passages orideas in the course or text that have sparked your interest.• Make sure your contribution adds something new to the Discussion. A simple ”I agree”may be your initial response, but think about how you can take the conversation to thenext level.• Make your posting clear and easy to follow by dividing longer messages intoparagraphs.• Address classmates by name or user name, and sign your own messages.• Feel free to pose new questions to your classmates within your own message.• Use correct spelling, capitalization, grammar, syntax, and punctuation.• If you plan to post a lengthy response, it is a good idea to type your response in Word orNotepad™, then copy and paste it into the Discussion area. This way you will always


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Discuss how your chosen theory can provide a foundation for your clinical judgement.

Discuss how your chosen theory can provide a foundation for your clinical judgement.


Will like current reference and also my require texts should be used as part of my reference. The focus should be on paediatric patient / nursing.
Hockenberry, M. J. & Wilson, D. (2013.Wong’s essentials of pediatric nursing. 9th Ed. St. Louis: Mosby
Chiocca, E.M.(2011). Advanced pediatric assessment. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Pillitteri, A. (2013). Child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Assessment 2
Word limit: 2000 words
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the concept of utilising nursing theories when assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care of a child and his/her family.
For this assignment you are required to review the literature on a range of nursing theories. Read Broom (2007) in course reserves to gain insight into how nursing theories can be applied to clinical practice.
An example of an early theory utilised to conceptualize nursing assessment and management was Orlando’s Nursing Process, first published in 1961. From this time there have been many theories developed through to the present day with Levitt Jones (2009) Clinical Reasoning Cycle.
You are required to:
1. Critically review the literature on nursing theories.
2. Select one you consider useful to your nursing assessment and practice in paediatrics
3. Discuss how your chosen theory can provide a foundation for your clinical judgement.
4. Provide a comprehensive example of how this theory could inform your assessment of a paediatric patient and their family.
5. Use the literature to support your discussion.

Marking Criteria
Clear, concise and thorough review of key nursing theories. Superior discussion of the nursing theories and their relevance to nursing assessment, planning, care and interventions.
Clear, concise and thorough description of an appropriate nursing theory
Clear, concise and thorough discussion on how your chosen theory can provide a foundation for your clinical judgement
Excellent example of how your chosen theory could inform your assessment of a paediatric patient and their family
Excellent use of the literature to support your discussion


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The purpose of this two part assessment is to enable postgraduate students to utilise their clinical experience within their learning and skill development associated with critically reviewing the literature as part of evidence based practice.

2.6. Assessment Details
Assessment 1: a) Essay and b) Literature Search
Weighting: 50%
Word count: a) 1500 words
b) 500 words
Due Date: 24 August 2015 5pm
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p.10)
Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 18-20
Aim of Assessment
The aims of the assessment are for students to:
Discuss the principles and processes of evidence based practice; §
Critically discuss the importance of individual patient preferences § when making clinical judgements about the implementation of research findings
Critically discuss barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence based practice in the clinical area; §
Conduct a comprehensive literature search on a clinical question. §

The purpose of this two part assessment is to enable postgraduate students to utilise their clinical experience within their learning and skill development associated with critically reviewing the literature as part of evidence based practice.


Essay 1,500 words (40%)
With reference to your own clinical practice in no more than 1500 words identify the challenges and describe strategies for implementing an evidence-based approach to clinical practice. Incorporate literature into your discussion. It is expected that you will conduct your own search for additional reading material. Marking criteria for the assignment are listed on the later part of this Learning Guide.
Identification of evidence 500 words (10%). Please note Part B has TWO Steps.
Clinical question and literature search
Step 1: (5%)
(a) Write a clinical research question then complete the PICO table (Table 1) with type of patients or problem, intervention, comparison intervention and outcome.

(b) Identify key words and search terms to describe the problem, intervention, comparison intervention and outcome and write them in the table to assist you with your literature search.

Step 2: Conducting Search (5%)
(Please ensure that you have completed the Search strategy activity in Module 2 prior to this step)
(a) Using the keywords and search terms identified in the table from Step 1 conduct an electronic database search.
(b) Save a copy of your search history and the results of your search and submit with the assignment.
(c) Choose one paper from your search and identify PICO components

Submit your assignment electronically. Please note this means you will have to cut and paste your search on to one document for electronic submission.


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Explain the relationship between the APA’s “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” and the AP-LS “Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists’.”

Explain the relationship between the APA’s “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” and the AP-LS “Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists’.”

Application: Specialty Guidelines and Ethical Codes
Note: The Application Assignment is to be completed before the Discussion question in Week 4.
Forensic psychology draws on the ethical codes and standards of the American Psychological Association to guide its professionals in ethical behavior in forensic settings. Due to the nature of forensic psychology and its intersection with the law, specialty guidelines for forensic psychology also are necessary. American Psychology-Law Society’s (AP-LS) “Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists’” often are described as an extension of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” also known as the “Ethics Code.” Many of the AP-LS Specialty Guidelines have their basis in specific items from APA’s “Ethics Code.” As you review each set of codes and guidelines take note of the connections between the APA’s “Ethics Code” and their counterparts in AP-LS “Specialty Guidelines…” Ethical codes and guidelines are an important part of helping professions, such as forensic psychology.
To prepare for this assignment:
Review the APA’s “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” and the AP-LS’ “Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists.” Consider the relationship between the two sets of standards/guidelines.
Consider why forensic psychology professionals might need specialty guidelines that are specific to forensic psychology.
Select three of the AP-LS Specialty Guidelines, to consider and review in depth. Think about how and where they might be applied and/or relevant to forensic psychology professionals.
The assignment (1–2 pages):
Explain the relationship between the APA’s “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” and the AP-LS “Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists’.”
Briefly describe the three specialty guidelines you selected for this assignment (and cite its source) and provide concrete examples of where the guidelines might apply.
Share an insight or draw a conclusion based on your exploration of APA and AP-LS codes and specialty guidelines ethical codes.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.


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Develop A 5-year plan for your career in healthcare (Healthcare Management) Briefly describe your overall plan and the specific action steps you will undertake to implement your plan.

Develop A 5-year plan for your career in healthcare (Healthcare Management) Briefly describe your overall plan and the specific action steps you will undertake to implement your plan.

Develop A 5-year plan for your career in healthcare (Healthcare Management)


– list at least 2 goals and 3 objectives for each goal.

– Briefly describe your overall plan and the specific action steps you will undertake to implement your plan.

– Be sure to include a timeline.

– minimum of 2 pages

– format your paper per APA standards and be sure to use in-text citations where necessary.

– Be sure to include a reference page when required


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Explain how the view of the influence of biological processes on human behavior has evolved over the history of biopsychology.

Explain how the view of the influence of biological processes on human behavior has evolved over the history of biopsychology.

Be sure to

support your analysis with examples from research to support your claim.


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What is replication, and what role does it play in increasing the external validity or generalizability of a study? Week Eight Homework Exercise

What is replication, and what role does it play in increasing the external validity or generalizability of a study?
Week Eight Homework Exercise

Answer the following questions covering material from Ch. 14 of Methods in Behavioral Research:

What is replication, and what role does it play in increasing the external validity or generalizability of a study? In what way is the IRB involved in using participants in a research study?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using college students as participants in research studies?

What potential problems can arise from generalization of results to different cultures or ethnic groups?

What is meta-analysis, and how is it useful to practitioners and scholars?

True or false: In many cases, meta analyses involves calculating an average effect size for a relationship between variables.

True or false: Many constructs, such as physical attractiveness and self-esteem, appear constant across cultures; thus, external validity is less of a concern when conducting research on such constructs. Provide a brief explanation of your answer.

Summarize the main points of the course, emphasizing the importance of research to the psychology profession.


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Discuss the impact of cultural, societal, legal, and political factors, and ethical considerations, influencing healthcare policies, service delivery, economics, and health disparities at local, state, national, and global levels.

Discuss the impact of cultural, societal, legal, and political factors, and ethical considerations, influencing healthcare policies, service delivery, economics, and health disparities at local, state, national, and global levels.

Project description
1. The answer to the discussion should be approximately 2 paragraphs
(250 words) in length with appropriate in-text citations in APA (2010) format.
2. References should be no older than 5 years. Use at least 2 references including the book below and a literature search:
Global health 101
Skolnik, R.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. 2nd Ed. 2012
ISBN: 9780763797515


In any in-text citation, please place the page number after the year of the book, for instance: (Skolnik, 2012, pp. 105-106), or (Skolnik, 2012, p. 105), or Skolnik (2012) explains that….. (p. 78).

Please also put the title of the chapter where you got the information right before the name of the book used. Please put specific pages used in the chapter in the references even if you only use

1 page for the in-text citation.

For examples:
Parker, M.E. & Smith, M.C. (2010). An introduction to nursing theory. In M.Z. Price (Ed.), Nursing theories nursing practice (3rd ed., p. 4). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

Please provide all doi (if they are given); for example:
Brown, J.W. (2011). National Center for Biotechnology Information. Health as expanding consciousness: a nursing perspective for grounded theory research, 24, 97-201. doi:


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what you think you yourself should be doing in order to live out your values/beliefs about leadership within the context of your vision for nursing. For example, as an educator who believes in the importance of facilitating a student’s growth then I would need to describe ways in which I do just that.

In this paper you will clarify your current values/beliefs, vision, and mandate regarding leadership in nursing and you will critically analyze the fit between your current perspectives and the literature – both course materials and outside sources in each of the 3 parts of the assignment. The 1st part is about your own values and beliefs, so it is very personal but then, as with all three sections, you also need to situate it within the literature to demonstrate how you fit or do not fit with the literature. The 2nd part is much broader and is about your ideal vision related to leadership in nursing as a profession. This is the part of the paper where you make the link between yourself and the larger world of theory. The 3rd part is about what you think you yourself should be doing in order to live out your values/beliefs about leadership within the context of your vision for nursing. For example, as an educator who believes in the importance of facilitating a student’s growth then I would need to describe ways in which I do just that.

Remember to relate all of your reflections to the literature .The Level of critical reflection in how you a) describe your mandate as a nurse within the context of your own values/beliefs and your vision for nursing leadership, i.e., your personal policy or course of action in providing and promoting leadership in nursing, and b) relate to the literature (both course and new material).Even though you also will be writing about your personal beliefs and so on. The critical analysis is crucial. It is expected that you use the literature from course materials (text book chapters and required articles), but additional new material should also be sought. The new material must be peer-reviewed, must be within 5 years and based only about nursing leadership


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The post what you think you yourself should be doing in order to live out your values/beliefs about leadership within the context of your vision for nursing. For example, as an educator who believes in the importance of facilitating a student’s growth then I would need to describe ways in which I do just that. appeared first on My Nursing Writer.

Explain the rationale for drug selection as a treatment recommendation. As is any patient interaction, do not, by action or omission of action, cause harm to your patient.

Explain the rationale for drug selection as a treatment recommendation. As is any patient interaction, do not, by action or omission of action, cause harm to your patient.


STREP THROAT: A SOAP note including diagnosis and any pertinent diagnostic tests. In addition to the subjective and objective findings include: past medical and surgical history, review of systems, family history, assessment, anticipatory guidance, health follow-up recommendations. Include a brief discussion of the pathophysiological processes involved in the patient’s diagnosis. List the ICD9 codes for the diagnosis and differential diagnoses.

You will need to review current literature and use sources in addition to the course text books to complete this assignment.

Nationally recognized professional resource guidelines including National Guidelines Clearinghouse are an important resource for your practice in implementing disease specific treatment. You must utilize at least one national guideline and other research references in your case study. If you do not, points will be deducted.

Explain the rationale for drug selection as a treatment recommendation. As is any patient interaction, do not, by action or omission of action, cause harm to your patient.

Case studies are intended as an adjunct learning opportunity to assist you in understanding the complex nature of assessing health conditions, prescribing medications, making treatment/follow-up recommendation, and gaining understanding of billing practices within the role of advanced practice nurse practitioner.

1. Answers reflect concise but thorough review of the course content and relevant literature on the subject matter being addressed.
2. Reflects concise Nursing Interventions including Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Interventions.
3. Reflects critical thinking and clinical decision making which is individualized to meet the patient’s assessed needs.
4. Reflects application of evidence based practices
5. Writing Rubric (Appendix A)


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