Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji.

Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji.

Choose one of the following nursing theorists to base your assignment on: -Virginia Henderson -Dorothy Orem -Madeleine Leininger -Callista Roy -Betty Newman -Jean Watson PART A:POSTER Prepare a poster about the selected theorist and her theory.The use of illustrations and pictures are mandatory.The poster should include: -Biographical and background information about the theorist and theory. -Make it attractive and colourful poster. -Print on A3 paper and laminate. -Appropriately referenced. PART B:WRITTEN PAPER Prepare a written essay that discusses the practical application of the selected theory to modern nursing practice in Fiji. -Use examples from your clinical experience to help support your discussions. -Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji. – Please include Five reference list and in-text referencing.


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Describe a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of this curriculum component.

Describe a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of this curriculum component.

The final step in the course project is to create a curriculum component that is consistent with your educational philosophy and includes the concept you described in the second component of the project. For this assignment, you will select one nursing theory or model to guide the development of the content of this component.

A curriculum component can be a lesson (class period), an activity, a unit of study, or an entire course. You can select anything within a curriculum of interest to you. To make the project more manageable, consider selecting something with a small and well-defined scope.

In your paper, you will:

Provide a succinct description of the curriculum component.
Demonstrate consistency between the philosophy, concept, and curriculum application.
Describe a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of this curriculum component.
Demonstrate an understanding of theory and concept analysis in application to a nursing curriculum.
Other Requirements
Following are the requirements for this paper:

Length of paper: 3–5 pages, not including the title page or references section.
Format of paper: In addition to the narrative, you may use tables or other types of graphics to help clarify information.
References: Include a minimum of five peer-reviewed references.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA sixth edition guidelines.

clearly identify the following sections:
1)Provides a succinct description of the curriculum component, and provides accurate, quality details and references.

2)Demonstrates consistency between the philosophy, concept, and curriculum application, and provides clarifying examples.

3)Describes a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of the curriculum component and provides accurate, quality details and references.

4)Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of theory and concept analysis in application to a nursing curriculum and provides accurate, quality details and references.

5)Consistently communicates through scholarly writing that is concise, balanced, and organized, flows with smooth transitions between ideas, and demonstrates critical analysis of the literature.

you must Consistently communicates through scholarly writing that demonstrates mastery of APA sixth edition style and formatting, is free of errors, and follows all assignment instructions.


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In OB patients, does education about breast feeding vs no education cause mothers to choose breast feeding their infants?

In OB patients, does education about breast feeding vs no education cause mothers to choose breast feeding their infants?

As you begin writing your PICO question with your clinical facilitator, here are some tips:

Pose an answerable question in PICO format. See this link for details (you may need to copy and paste this link into your browser outside of Canvas): http://www.usc.edu/hsc/ebnet/ebframe/PICO.htm

P = Patient or problem

I = Intervention

C = Comparison

O = Outcome

Sample questions:

In OB patients, does education about breast feeding vs no education cause mothers to choose breast feeding their infants?


In hospital employees, does the use of mandatory vaccines, vs no mandatory vaccines, reduce the nosocomial infection rates of patients in hospitals?


Does mandatory RN staffing rates vs no mandatory RN staffing rates lead to less medication errors?


For elderly patients with dementia, does the use of pharmacological vs non-pharmacological pain methods reduce pain behaviors?


In surgical patients, is the use of Chloraprep compared to iodine based preps more effective in preventing


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DeVry HSM544 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Three Major Tasks of Economics (graded)
Identify the three major tasks of economics and discuss why they are important. What are their roles in organization management?

dq 2

Factors Influencing Healthcare Demand (graded)
Identify and discuss the factors that influence the demand, in turn healthcare economics. What factor do you believe has the greatest impact on healthcare economics and why?

DeVry HSM544 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Financing Healthcare (graded)
Discuss the role of all parties (patient, providers, and payers) to contain costs.Analyze the impact of cost-containment efforts on the rising cost of healthcare.

dq 2

Production Function Analysis (graded)
What are the primary steps in a production function analysis? How would you apply these steps in a healthcare organization?

DeVry HSM544 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Managed Care Concept (graded)
Discuss the concept of managed care. Why was it created? What were its goals? Have these goals changed? Has it worked? How it can be improved?.

Pick one of the previous questions for your initial post; all of them will be discussed throughout the week.
dq 2

Redistribution and Social Insurance (graded)
Discuss the connection between redistribution and social insurance.

DeVry HSM544 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

The Role of Nonprofits in Healthcare (graded)
How does the role of nonprofit healthcare organizations differ from profit healthcare organizations?

dq 2

Public Health Insurance (graded)
Health policy is moving closer (in distinct increments) to a broader role in healthcare. Public health insurance can take many forms. Discuss what you envision the government’s role to be (e.g., a continued regulation on specific aspects or a more sweeping policy that leads to public health insurance). In your comments distinguish between state- and federal-government policy.

DeVry HSM544 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Human Capital and Policy (graded)
What steps can Congress and state legislatures take to alleviate a serious national shortage of skilled providers. Research suggests medical errors have been linked to inadequate staffing (i.e., quantity and quality of skilled personnel). What steps would you take to mitigate shortages?


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Read the following Bloomberg article from April 2015 about the California drought and show graphically how the state’s policy is affecting the agribusiness market.

Read the following Bloomberg article from April 2015 about the California drought and show graphically how the state’s policy is affecting the agribusiness market.

(A) In the first paragraph, show graphically how the state’s policy is affecting the agribusiness market (you can use
WORD TO DRAW YOUR OWN GRAPH PUT into your document). First define the market. Next, explain the policy and how it causes changes in this market and state the ultimate effect on price and quantity in this market.

(B) In the second paragraph, provide evidence from the text (examples, quotes) to support your reasoning from the first paragraph.

(C) In the third paragraph, explain whether you believe there is an economic rationale to justify this policy
Added on 11.06.2016 13:57
(A) In the first paragraph, show graphically how the state”s policy is affecting the agribusiness market (you can use
WORD TO DRAW YOUR OWN GRAPH PUT into your document). First define the market. Next, explain the policy and how it causes changes in this market and state the ultimate effect on price and quantity in this market.

B) In the second paragraph, provide evidence from the text (examples, quotes) to support your reasoning from the first paragraph.

(C) In the third paragraph, explain whether you believe there is an economic rationale to justify this policy.

Save California Farmers From Themselves

Apr 27, 2015

By Daniel P. Beard
You would hope the worsening drought in California would bring out the best in the states politicians, particularly those who profess to care about the waste of taxpayers” money.

Alas, this isnt the case when it comes to several important members of California”s congressional delegation. Take Kevin McCarthy, the House majority leader, who is using the dire conditions to call for projects to channel water to a select number of politically well-connected farmers.

“I”m from the Central Valley,” the Republican congressman said, “and we know that we cannot conserve or ration our way out of this drought.”

In fact, we don”t know this because California hasn”t seriously tried it. Agribusiness has traditionally used dry periods to demand more diversions of water from the states already heavily tapped mountain rivers. These proposals include two reservoirs McCarthy and other California politicians want: The Temperance Flat Dam on the San Joaquin River and the Sites Reservoir on the Sacramento River would cost approximately $3 billion each. But neither project would supply a drop of water for 20 to 25 years. It will take at least that long to plan, approve and construct the reservoirs, and in the end it”s possible there wont be enough water to fill them.

The growers and their political allies respond that if California”s drought is punishing them now, the shortfall could be worse in 20 years, meaning state and federal taxpayers should ante up now before it”s too late.

To understand why this is a terrible deal, look at the financial arrangements and recall the saying in the West: “Water flows uphill, toward money.”

The federal Central Valley Project has delivered subsidized water to a group of California farmers for more than 60 years. This water nobility, as I call them, thinks it is entitled in perpetuity to pay less than what would be the market rate for a scarce resource channeled hundreds of miles for its benefit. Only 15 percent of what it cost to do this has been repaid more than six decades after water was first delivered.

In a 2004 study, the Environmental Working Group estimated that the total subsidies for the Central Valley Project added up to roughly $600 million a year. While farmers dispute that figure, they dont deny they have a very special deal. Why else would they fight efforts to make the pricing of water more market-based and defend their rights to it?

This competitive advantage has been worth tens of billions of dollars. All over the West, farmers served by federal projects have benefited from 50-year zero-interest loans, with generous repayment rates, plus low-cost power. And about 45 percent of the farmers who receive irrigation subsidies are growing commodity crops (such as rice and cotton) that qualify for price supports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture — a classic example of double dipping.


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Based on your understanding of nursing today, discuss how the Healthy People 2020 initiative could be used by you, as a nurse, to make a difference in the health and wellness of people in your area.

Based on your understanding of nursing today, discuss how the Healthy People 2020 initiative could be used by you, as a nurse, to make a difference in the health and wellness of people in your area.


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Critically discuss the underlying pathophysiology of the patient’s post-operative deterioration. Prioritize, outline and justify the appropriate nursing management of the patient during this time (LO1; LO2; LO3; LO5: LO6)

Case Study 2: Alan Jones Alan Jones is 60 year old man who was admitted to hospital for surgery following urinary symptoms that led to a diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). He has a history of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Alan lives alone but his adult son is with him on admission and reports that his father drinks a lot of alcohol (at least a bottle of wine per night). Alan was taken to surgery and underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under spinal anaesthesia. After 2 hours in the post-anaesthetic recovery room (PARU) he was transferred to the ward. He has continuous bladder irrigation via a three lumen urethral catheter. His urine contains large blood clots. PRESENTATION TO THE WARD: On return to the ward Alan’s observations are as follows: • Respirations 30 breaths per minute • BP 160/90mmHg • Pulse 128bpm • Temperature 35.0o C. • Pain score 0/10 It is planned for Alan to be discharged after two days on the ward. QUESTIONS TO BE ADDRESSED In relation to Alan Jones: • Discuss the aetiology and pathophysiology of the patient’s presenting condition (LO1; LO3) • Critically discuss the underlying pathophysiology of the patient’s post-operative deterioration. Prioritize, outline and justify the appropriate nursing management of the patient during this time (LO1; LO2; LO3; LO5: LO6) • Identify three (3) members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, apart from the primary medical and nursing team, who you would involve in the care of the patient before their discharge and provide justification for their involvement. (LO1; LO4: LO5; LO6)

Briefly discuss your chosen patient’s presenting condition in relation to their diagnosis (i.e. why they came to into hospital), cause of the condition, the reasons the patient may be susceptible i.e. risk factors & complications of the condition. You are not required to discuss the surgical procedure but you need to show you understand it in the care of the patient.  Prioritise your patient’s needs. Think about Airway Breathing Circulation Disability. Which of your patient’s needs come first e.g. pain is in D (disability). What comes before that you need to address?  Link the changes that the patient is experiencing in the ward to the presenting condition and the effects of surgery and anaesthesia.  Discuss the reason for the changes in the patients vital signs with references e.g. low blood pressure – what could have caused this in your patient?  Discuss how you would manage each of the abnormal vital signs in priority order needs. What do you need to do?  Identify three specific members of the MDT you might refer the patient to during their admission. You are not required to discuss the role of the multidisciplinary team who would normally care for the patient e.g. surgeon, nurses etc.


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Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.

In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor.
1. Away From Her
2. Lorenzo’s Oil
3. Mask
4. My Sister’s Keeper
5. Philadelphia
6. Rain Man
7. Steel Magnolias
8. Stepmom
9. The Elephant Man
10. The Mighty
11. The Tic Code
1. Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.”
2. Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client).
3. Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.”
4. Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie.
5. Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client.
6. Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples.
7. Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.
8. Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance.
9. Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices.


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The essay must be 400 words in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style.

The essay must be 400 words in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style.

If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, review the APA Checklist within the Ashford Writing Center (https://awc.ashford.edu/cd-apa-checklist.html) located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar. This assignment can be completed by using the primary materials related to each prompt. Although you are required to use only one of these corresponding sources, you may choose to supplement your analysis with outside sources.
Choose one:
Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Describe the movement of the person in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.” Identify all the stages in this movement and then explain how this allegory relates to your own life. Analyze what Plato is trying to convey about the nature of social reality and the outcomes of that reality for most of us? Finally, examine Plato’s idea about the best type of life. How does one reach this best form of existence? Do you think that Plato’s ideas about the best type of life actually reflect the best type of life? Why or why not?
Dubois’s “Of the Sons of Master and Man”
What is Dubois’s primary goal in this work? Explain two of the interactive relationships that Dubois examines in this essay. Next, determine how Dubois claims the African American experience differs from or is similar to the White experience in these two relationships. Explain an instance from your own life or the life of someone you know that reflects biased treatment of a certain ethnic group. What were the assumptions of the people who treated others this way and were those assumptions justified? Why, or why not?


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Discuss the nursing responsibilities with associated rationales in relation to administering Morphine.

Discuss the nursing responsibilities with associated rationales in relation to administering Morphine.

Assessment 2 : Short Answer Test (SAT)/ In class closed book assessment based on the case study of Brian Jones.

Weighting: 40%

Word count: 1000 words

Content that exceeds the word limit plus 10% will not be marked and consequently will not attract marks

Due Date: Week 5, in registered tutorials

Submission details:

This is a closed book assessment that will be completed in your tutorial class in week 5.

All students must attend their allocated tutorial to complete this assessment.

You have an allocated time of 90 minutes

Marking Criteria and Standards: See page 11 of this Learning Guide.

Aim of assessment

The purpose of this short answer test in class assessment is to enable the student to demonstrate:

– An understanding of the principles of perioperative nursing care (Learning outcome 1).

– An understanding of the role of the nurse in the perioperative period (Learning outcome 2).

– An understanding of the relationships between pathophysiology and cancer control initiatives (Learning outcome 5)

– How safe and effective administration of pharmacological agents support people in perioperative care (Learning outcome 1, 6 & 7).

– An evaluation of relevant literature to support an understanding of the pathophysiology, pharmacological and nursing management of a person experiencing the effects of bowel cancer and is able to express this in a clear and succinct writing style (Learning outcome 9).


Brian Jones (aged 50) presented to his GP with a nine month (9/12) history of a change in his bowel habits, abdominal pain and fatigue. His GP ordered Faecal Occult Blood testing which confirmed the presence of blood in Brian’s stool. Following this, Brian’s GP referred him to a gastrointestinal specialist. The specialist recommended Brian have a colonoscopy. During the colonoscopy, a biopsy was taken of a lesion located in Brian’s rectum. The biopsy results confirmed a Stage IIA rectal carcinoma. Brian was admitted to hospital for an abdomino-perineal resection and the formation of a colostomy.


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