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QUICK Science HW!!!!

Hypothesis: sunspots, flares and coronal mass ejections are caused by distortions in the Sun’s magnetic field   1. Go to the following URL and look for data that could support or falsify the above hypothesis statement. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/home.html Click on the link titled “The Sun Now”. You will need to locate data that show sunspots (continuum […]

Crew Resource Management Using the CRM resources provided within the Syllabus, research the history and evolution of CRM in aviation. Next, evaluate the role of CRM principles in several prominent commercial aviation accidents: The deadly collision betwe

Crew Resource Management Using the CRM resources provided within the Syllabus, research the history and evolution of CRM in aviation. Next, evaluate the role of CRM principles in several prominent commercial aviation accidents: The deadly collision between 2 Boeing 747s on Tenerife Island on March 27th, 1977 United Flight 232 at Sioux City Iowa on […]